Legislative Update 2-22-22


The House is in Session

To find the committee schedule for the day, use this link.

When you click on the committee link, it will tell you which virtual room you can watch committee in.  Click on the audio/video tab under House at the ilga.gov website to find the rooms or watch session.

To support or oppose a particular bill, complete a witness slip.   Witness slips can only be filed on bills that are still in committee. 

Never heard of a witness slip, follow this link to see what one looks like. While you are at that link, test out the procedure.  I recommend you oppose this bill, HB 4361.  It sets in state statute a minimum wage paid to instructors at community colleges.  This legislation is unnecessary.  Professionals can readily accept or decline work based on the salary negotiated, free from the state negotiating that for them.

A few other bills in Committees this week, that are problematic include:

HB4205 – Loan Repayment Assistance – THIS IS REALLY STUDENT LOAN BAILOUT

Read more at this link

HB5597 – Automatic Enrollment into Medicaid for single childless adults

HB5054 – Guaranteed Income Pilot Program

2-year Guaranteed Income for Women Pilot Program to provide guaranteed monthly income for women who reside in the cities of East St. Louis and Cahokia Heights. Provides that under the pilot program, 650 eligible women with income at or below the poverty line shall receive an $850 cash payment each month for the duration of the pilot program.

UPDATE:  This bill passed committee and may be considered on the House floor this week.

HB 1727 – Abolishes Qualified Immunity for police officers. This bill is anti-police legislation that would lead to more retirements and more difficulty in hiring.  Police do not have immunity from prosecution of illegal actions.  They have qualified immunity.  Qualified immunity is described in law dictionaries the following way.  “Qualified immunity balances two important interests—the need to hold public officials accountable when they exercise power irresponsibly.

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