TWO weeks to go and TOO much to do!

Pritzker’s Budget is Short $800 million Wants Tax Increases to Pay for New Spending 

Chicago’s imploding…Johnson was here asking for a $100 million plus…CPS is asking for $50 billion, I don’t think the people in my district really care to do that,” said State Rep. Dan Caulkins.

The Center Square reported that Deputy Gov. Andy Manar asked state agency directors to prepare for $800 million less in available revenue.

“Manar said it has “become clear that opposition to proposed revenue is significant enough to direct agencies to prepare for the possibility of reductions to proposed spending” and “we must prepare to implement a potential balanced budget scenario with $800 million less in available revenue.”

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Last Week in Springfield

Last week the Democrats shut down session early on Thursday, cut our week short by canceling Friday’s session, and slow walked the debate of bills on the House floor. Committee work continued as we evaluated more Senate bills, a few lingering House bills that Democrats are interested in, and some amendments.

In the Labor and Commerce Committee, of which I am a member, an amendment to a bill that would allow assistant state’s attorneys to unionize passed out of committee.  Illinois does not need any more expansion of public sector unions. Most folks understand that Chicago Democrats will rig the budget to get what they need.  The latest looming crisis for Chicago is that the Chicago Police and Fire pension systems will be out of funds in the next 6-8 years. 

The problem is outlined in a report from Terry Savage, nationally syndicated financial columnist. Adding to the pension problems are the Tier 2 pension issues raised numerous times this session. Taxpayers have lots of reasons for concern. I will keep you posted on this issue as bills come forward for consideration.

The Higher Education Appropriations Committee spent three and a half hours discussing a new funding program that would send money to universities based in part on the demographics of the student population. 

The 89-page report proposes that money would be based on the race of the student. Of additional concern is that the Democrat legislators want taxpayers to pay for personal educational supports for students, not just tuition and fees. Other supports include food, housing, and childcare. Read More Here

Meanwhile, it is important to note that according to the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association, Illinois is first in the nation in funding our universities on a full-time equivalent basis. This chart shows you the funding levels across the nation.

The EV Market is Imploding and Pritzker’s Response is to Give Rivian the Largest Corporate Tax Incentive in Illinois’ History

As companies continue to hemorrhage money as a result of the electric vehicle (EV) experiment, Biden’s answer to the problem is to keep rolling out government subsidies for the unpopular ‘green energy’ transition. Governor Pritzker is right behind him dumping millions of Illinoisians’ taxpayer dollars into the LOSING idea. 

From the WSJ article:

EV startup Rivian this week also reported $1.45 billion in losses during the first three months of the year, amounting to $106,417 for each of the 13,588 vehicles it delivered. Its stock has fallen about 92% since the company went public in autumn 2021 amid irrational investor exuberance. Lucid’s stock is down 95% from its peak in November 2021. Rivian has its own profligate government patron—the state of Illinois. This week Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced up to $827 million in incentives for Rivian to expand a local plant and hire 550 employees—about $1.5 million per job. An underwater state is coming to the rescue of an underwater manufacturer. Anyone want to predict how this will turn out?

Also, rental giant Hertz intends to ditch 30,000 EV’s, (10,000 more than initially planned), citing substantial vehicle depreciation that increased $588 million in the first quarter of 2024. Click Here For More

Picture from DePaul University in Chicago at Pro-Palestinian Encampment

Wall Street Journal article details the likelihood that protestors will converge on Chicago in August for the Democrat National Convention. The city is speculating there may be more protestors than the 5,000 convention attendees.

Here is an important excerpt:

Pro-Palestinian organizers say they are planning mass demonstrations around the convention. Hatem Abudayyeh, national chair of the U.S. Palestinian Community Network, a group that has helped organize several pro-Palestinian rallies in Chicago, has said the so-called March on the DNC “will be the largest mobilization for Palestine” in the city’s history.  The organization is among several pro-Palestinian groups aiming to draw tens of thousands of protesters to the United Center as well as McCormick Place, where the party will hold meetings during the convention.

According to sources, Gov. Pritzker’s office has asked local police and sheriff departments around the state to send deputies to augment security details for the DNC. Meanwhile, local police forces and sheriff departments have manpower challenges due to the SAFE-T Act.

Military Appreciation Month is a month-long observance honoring those who have served in the United States Armed Forces. Thank you to the brave men and women who have made sacrifices to protect our country.

Illinois’ Official State Snack Food Is Popcorn

Why? Because everyone loves popcorn! There are 333 Illinois farms that grow popcorn on 47,000 acres, making Illinois the third largest grower of the product. Most people are familiar with the very popular Garrett’s popcorn, but you can find mouthwatering varieties all over the state! Read More Here

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