Spinning Our Wheels and Spending Your Money; The Latest Newsletter from Rep. Caulkins

Last week was an exercise in hurry up and wait as the Democrats spent way too much time talking among themselves. “We really need to get down to doing the people’s work here.” Last Tuesday, Democrats delayed afternoon committees for over three hours while they gathered to discuss Democrat issues behind closed doors.  More than likely, the Democrats were hashing out their budget priorities among themselves and last-minute bills that they want passed before session ends in ten days. So, during the down time, my colleagues and I discussed our priorities and the budget problems we see ahead.  State Rep. Brad Halbrook was master of ceremonies in this impromptu, informal Facebook Live discussion.
Press Conference with Coach Kim Russell Standing Up for Women and HB5830 which defines the terms Female and Male
Last Friday, I joined my colleagues, Independent Women’s Voice Ambassador Coach Kim Russell and the Wheeler Family to call on the Illinois Legislature to stand with women and prioritize HB 5830 during this legislative session. HB 5830, The Classification By Biological Sex Act, was inspired by Independent Women’s Voices Women’s Bill of Rights model legislation. HB 5830 will codify the common sense understanding of the words “male” and “female” when used in law. The bill was introduced by Representative David Friess on April 29, 2024, and has been co-sponsored by Representatives Blaine Wilhour, Adam M. Niemerg, Chris Miller, Brad Halbrook, Jed Davis and me. Illinois laws use the words ‘woman’, ‘man’, ‘male’ and ‘female’ at least 997 times. If enacted, HB 5830 would clearly define these terms preventing judges, unelected bureaucrats, and administrators in Illinois from unilaterally redefining the word ‘woman’ to mean anyone who “identifies as a woman.” In this way, the Women’s Bill of Rights inspired bill preserves the legislature’s authority to determine whether, and in what circumstances, female spaces and opportunities (like rape crisis centers, domestic violence shelters, athletic teams, locker rooms, and dormitories, for example) should remain single sex.
Democrats Pass Resolution Demanding Work Permits for Illegals and Deny a Recorded Vote on the Bill
The above graphic is from the Facebook page of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. The Coalition has visited the state capitol numerous times in the last few months and were no doubt pleased when HJR 69 was passed in the Illinois House this week. That resolution, which can be read in full at this LINK, urges President Joe Biden to authorize work permits for people residing in Illinois illegally. It specifically notes that thousands of jobs are unfilled, and that Illinois needs these workers. The resolution was very quickly introduced and passed on a voice vote. Republicans filed a motion for reconsideration of the bill and a recorded vote on the measure. That motion was voted down, even though a few Democrats voted with the Republican minority. These members likely know that the unemployment rates in their communities are higher, and they are concerned that illegals with work permits will take jobs from citizens and/or force wages down. The bottom line is that, by not allowing for debate and a recorded vote, the Democrats showed they aren’t really interested in hearing other views on this very important and controversial topic. 
CTU Demands Your Money
Only 2 out of every 10 black students in the Chicago Public Schools can read at grade level. Yes, TWO!! Yet busloads of Chicago Teachers Union members rolled into Springfield last Wednesday, demanding more taxpayer money. There are 646 schools in the CPS district, and at least one member from each school traveled to Springfield. For most of them it was a taxpayer-paid day off.
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A Whopping 75% of Illinois Communities Shrank Last Year
Illinois’ ongoing public policy failures, (high taxes, crime, a hostile business environment, failing public schools, corruption…just to name a few), have earned our state the distinct DISHONOR of losing the 3rd largest population in the country (according to the latest data published this week by the U.S. Census Bureau). This Illinois Policy Institute article breaks down the data across all Illinois communities:
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Pedal On, Illinois! Whether you are looking for a challenging ride or a leisurely path, Illinois is home to some of the best biking trails in the country, and there is something here for everyone! This article has a summary of trails throughout the state:
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This website, ‘Ride Illinois’, has coordinated with the Illinois Department of Transportation to create bike route maps for cities and rural areas alike:
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Here is a map of the 88th House District. Use this link for a clearer picture and to enter your address to see if you live in the district: https://repcaulkins.com/district/
As your State Representative, my office is available to assist you with any issues you may have when interacting with a state agency. Please call our office at 217.876.1968 to get help or schedule an appointment to see me. The office is located at 715 W Imboden Dr, Decatur.